Hadrian's Wall Path Walking Tour England.

Would you like more time to visit all the sites and museums along the route or do think you might need a break from all the hiking?

Newcastle: Once the world's #1 centre of shipbuilding, vibrant Newcastle has undergone a cultural and architectural renaissance. Visit the outstanding 'Great North Museum' or experience one of the best nightlife scenes in Britain. (Please note that accommodation for Newcastle is provided in the friendly seaside towns of Whitley Bay or Tynemouth, just 25 minutes by Metro train from the city centre.)

Chollerford: Explore the captivating Chesters Roman Fort with its ornate headquarters building, commanding officers residence, barrack buildings and military bath-house.

Housesteads / Once Brewed: Discover the Roman forts of Vindolanda and Housesteads with their extensive Roman remains and fascinating artifacts.

Carlisle: Visit medieval Carlisle where you find the award winning Tullie House Museum, the 12th century cathedral and the vast castle, with its ancient chambers, stairways and dungeons.

Booking Extra Days

Choose WHERE you wish to stay.

Decide HOW MANY NIGHTS you need.

Go to the BOOKING FORM and fill in the 'Extra Nights Required/Other Requests' section

The cost of extra nights during your Hadrian's Wall hiking tour start from £55 per person per night and from £65 for single hikers who will have their own private room. Due to the popularity of this region, prices for extra nights can be significantly higher than this, especially at peak times.

Please note that if you book any extra nights in a location not included on your tour itinerary, you will have to make your own arrangements to transfer your bags to this location.
